Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mr ShazDlah Family Beraya Ke 2tong

Aiyooo c gempal Interframe Ngah aWang & Aunty Wani Pics
Hai Aunty Wani !!!
Ini dia Adek Gempal "Mahluk Tuhan Paling Seksi (FYi she's actually wearing a bikini strap beneath her jacket hehehe Kiut ko nie Dek gigit ko kang hehe)
Candid snap shot , Mr Shazdlah mother from the left & Ana taking picture of Abg Abdoh Family which they recently came back from Uk for good this raya. Anyway to all Salar Family I would like to Thank you for coming and on behalf I would like to say sorry for any inconvenience cause during the Open house.

Aika being toothless this raya hehehe